Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Bronx Is Burning [more backstory]

I've been Tivo-ing The Bronx Is Burning on ESPN which has been conjuring up memories of the summer of '77. I love all the Ramones songs they use in the soundtrack which remind me of my brother and his friends blasting the Ramones in the basement of our house, my introduction to punk rock. Actually, I think the summer of 1977 was the world's introduction to punk rock, wasn't it?

One of my favorite parts of the show are the backstory segments. Here's some additional backstory from the October 22nd, 1977 edition of The Sporting News that goes along well with episode #7, The Game's Not as Easy as It Looks, Fellas . [click on article to enlarge]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim, I couldn't sleep tonight so I checked your site out. Looks great. I've been watching the Bronx is burning too. My baseball memory was my Dad taking me to game 2 of the series at Yankee stadium. It was fantastic. Here is one for you in 1977. Son of Sam-Jim O'Connor and Sean going in the Montego to look for Son of Sam.